I am a law-biding citizen in shock about what I’m reading from publicdefender. I hope I’m reading this wrong: Prosecutors charge people for higher crimes than what they THINK was actually committed, hoping to beat out a plea bargain? What if this is one of the cases where the defendant is actually innocent? His choices then, are plead guilty to get this “bargain” OR you’re going to charge him with a higher crime? Isn’t that a gestapo tactic? So you don’t try people for the crimes you think they committed? It’s not a “bargain”. It’s “plead guilty to what we think you did or I’m going to frame you for something worse”.
I was on a jury. Two cops, both over 6′ tall and 200+ pounds, felt it necessary to batter, then hogtie, THEN mace an unarmed woman who had tried to return merchandise to a store when she had a dispute with the manager (who called the cops). The woman was 5′ tall and 100 pounds. They knocked out her front teeth when they threw her face-first onto the concrete. Did I mention they maced her while she was hogtied? So here’s the “American justice” part: THEY charged HER with assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest, and other really obviously lame, trumped-up charges. Before that trial I had no issues with law enforcement. Afterwards, I had to ask: what happened to real men? These pussies couldn’t handle a 100-lb woman more decently?
Doesn’t it scare you to know that there are cops out there who will mash you up then charge you with assault? Doesn’t it scare you to know that there are prosecutors out there using gestapo tactics and who don’t care if you’re guilty? Doesn’t it scare you that these cops and these prosecutors work together?
Has anyone followed the 14-year old in Scripps Ranch who allegedly murdered her mother? Maybe your friend will get on that jury. They’ve already announced she will be tried as an adult. Question: why have different courts for children vs. adults when it seems in the cases where the distinction is MOST critical, they seem to always railroad the child to adult court? Seems like lynch mob mentality.
Yes, drink heavily, or you will surely be outraged as I am (man I need a drink). Time to unleash the purple angel.