I am a fence sitter somewhat when it comes to politics. I am financially conservative, but liberal in many other respects, rights of workers, women, gays, against the war, etc.
I have to say the damage Bush has done will takes tens of years to undo. There are MANY Republicans who do not favor him. His rating is the lowest in history. When his own party doesn’t hold him in high regard, it’s time for those die-hard Republicans to just admit he wasn’t the star quarterback.
That said, my mom and brother are staunch Republicans. Any time politics come up, I just let it go and try not to discuss it because it turns into a BIG fight and so not worth it. They are entitled to their beliefs, even though I disagree w/them. I tell them flat out that I’d rather not discuss it b/c we have differing opinions. I try to think of something else to talk about real quick, w/my brother, cars.
When I take issues one by one, my mom is in disagreement with Bush/Republicans decisions. She doesn’t understand the complexities of government and so I just forgive her. It frustrates me. She just likes his personality. Makes no sense. She came from Italy when she was 18 and no greater education. My brother on the other hand has a masters in business.
So I agree w/the previous post. Discussing some policies are a little easier.