I am a conservative, more fiscal than religious, and I agree with you, society in general is better off with stable couple relationships than a free-for-all, regardless of what gender. I think civil unions are a good thing, I even think gays should be able to adopt children, but that priority of adoption of infants and small children be given to hetero couples first, simply for practical reasons. A man cannot be a mom and a woman cannot be a dad. To deprive a child of both is not optimal. Sure there are great books out there, but speaking as the mother of three boys and the sister of six brothers, I can no more tell my boys what it is to be a man as my husband could tell a girl what it is to be a woman. But better adopt out to a gay couple than live without any family. There are some pretty awful hetero families out there. All couples regardless of gender want the same thing, security, a partner in life, a family, and love. What’s so wrong with that?