I always enjoy the race threads on Piggs. I think culture, age and demographics determine how words are used. For instance, in Ohio, I have heard the term “Oriental” and it struck me, because ya just don’t hear it out here. It was not used in a derogatory fashion, yes afx, context is certainly important.
My grandmother, not racist as far as I knew, referred to black people as “colored.” (I was always terribly embarassed, but she never used it in a derogatory fashion) I refer to black people as black. That was the term when I was growing up. I have noticed that younger people, use the term African-American. In the past couple of weeks I have had to make a couple of reports to Child Protective Services.
First scenario, older hotline worker, report on an African family.
Hotline Worker: Mother’s name? Address? Phone?
Hotline Worker: Race?
Me: African.
Hotline Worker: You mean “African American?”
Me: No, I mean “African.” They are from Nigeria, been here about a year.
Hotline Worker: Father’s name? Address? Phone?
Hotline Worker: Race?
Me: African.
Hotline Worker: You mean “African American?”
Me: No, I mean “African.”
A couple of weeks later, making a report on a black family. This time, the hotline worker, was a young girl (seemed so by the voice).