I agree with you Matt. I am all for conservation. I am all for trying to create a cleaner environment. I think there are many ways to do it that are a hell of alot better then what will be passed. I sincerely have no faith that expanding a government that is now the most overpowering government we have ever had is the solution. Lets see… social security money? gone…. medicare? gone… Our government literally LOSES billions of dollars every year. That is they literally lose the money.
Anyone here, go ahead and google “government misplacing money”. This is not a Bush or an Obama thing. It is a “our government is TO BIG TO FUNCTION properly thing” and the bigger it gets the larger the mistakes will be.
I also feel that Felix made some very good points as well. I am puzzled how fast and furious the administration is rushing things through.
Does anyone not recall that the “stimulus bill” was so thick that legislators admitted they didn’t read it? That it was not posted on line until the 11th hour?
Doesn’t this make anyone go holy crap?
By they way, please google the following,
“with my plan energy plans will necessarily skyrocket”.
If you are to lazy then you can just click on this link.
Funny how now that cap and trade is actually up for votes, none if this is brought up anymore because if the joe public understood that his president freely admits that this plan will hit joes pocketbook, I am not sure if joe public would continue to bobble head his approval.
Sorry for the rant… I want an improved climate, I believe we are ALL destroying it, not just the USA. I think there are better ways of trying to combat the problem.