aka, he’s “in the know” on the “inside”. he lulls you with insider information to gain your trust.
“What we are in right now is a blip on the radar screen. The 1930’s depression lasted 12 years.
We talk about it today in passing.
Having been there moment by moment, day by day would have been painful, as it is now for those that are affected.”
this display of levity is particularly devious. diabolical, in fact. he pushes your bear buttons to the extreme in order to insinuate himself with the bears. “i’m one of you, you can trust me”. yeah, right!
and what follows is where his evil plan is exposed, his fatal mistake: instead of stopping there with his slick sales pitch, he makes the common mistake of talking too much, of not knowing when to shut up:
“America is not going away.”
aka, real estate never goes down
“There will be money to lend.”
from who else? none other than hls himself!
“It’s all a big pyramid scheme with too many players to stop.”
honest people dont use terms like “pyramid scheme”, they use the phrase “multi level marketing” or “investment plan”. and “players”, that’s a big red sign; honest people use the term “investors”.
devious and diabolical, no doubt, this HLS. what does that stand for, anyway? nothing short of Home Lending Satan! he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for us meddling kids.