I agree with many of the things posted here. However, sports can be an extremely important part of a child’s development. I was deeply involved in sports growing up and my experiences were very important in making me who I am today. I learned about hard work, how to be part of team, acting like a loser makes you one, never give up, how to be a good winner and loser, etc. My friends in sports all tended to be very good kids who got good grades and were not interested in partying (using alcohol and drugs). Some received sports scholarships, gaining financial assistance that helped their lower middle class families send them to college (some also received academic scholarships).
Sport also strengthens the body, making kids healthier. I see a lot of little dough balls running around these days who could use a lot more physical activity.
I have noticed that most of the people who denigrate sport as useless are the ones who did not participate themselves.