I agree with HLS and want to add that most fund managers indeed do not want you actively managing your retirement portfolio because if you did, you would see how their fees add up and you will bail out. Ever since my first 401(k) I realized that with some time and effort I can manage just as well as the so-called experts. Now I only have IRAs.
What more could a fund manager ask for: loads of money from someone who is not going to look at what’s going on for 30 years… Knowing what you know today, would you trust wall street boys with free reign on your nest egg for 30 years? By the time you need the money your fund manager would have changed 10 times. Anyhow I’m rambling, long story short: you can dollar-cost-average yourself. Set aside a fixed amount of money to invest each month and buy each month no matter what the market is doing. There, it’s dollar cost averaging.