I agree that there are two types of Muslims. The Muslims that do not take their Quran literal and ones that do. I believe, without a doubt, that the majority of Muslims in this country are good. Unfortunately I believe that our country has been attacked along with many soldiers in Iraq by these extremist who really believe that they are Martyrs for their religion.
To blame a party for suggesting that Obama is a Muslim therefore should not be our President is wrong. With that said I do believe that we as Americans have a duty to know the motives of our future President, therefore looking at the background of Obama and his connections to William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright obviously bring up some disheartening conclusions.
There are some real issues with the “Nation of Islam” and Farrakhan who have a racist view of White Americans. I believe that many Black American Muslims find Farrakhan as somewhat of leader of the Muslims here in this country, which is a bit controversial.