I agree that fresh fruit and vegetables can be very expensive. However, right now, clementines and blueberries have GREAT prices all over town! Buying produce in season is the key. Also, if you have a large family, a huge bunch of bananas that must be eaten within 2 days can be bought for about $1 at Grocery Outlet. They always wrap them up and put them on a table by the registers.
There are MANY ways to find cheap food that is nutritious. You just have to know where to look. And yes, lots of people do this with a bus pass only.
I DO agree with Brian that people make wrong choices in their daily diets when they have the means to eat a nutritious diet. But I don’t feel we, as a society, can do anything about that except to possibly offer community education and TV shows/infomercials on how to eat right and even shop economically.
I know it can be expensive to feed kids and there are many things a parent can do to lessen their food bill. I think kids eat what they have been accustomed to and what their parents eat. As young kids, they really don’t understand how much it all costs. So there’s no harm in feeding homemade macaroni and cheese and fresh brocolli and lowfat milk for dinner. I can’t use it but I often see 2 1-gallon milk jug specials in the supermarkets. If you have several kids, this would be the way to go. I know parents that don’t allow sweets in the home so their children never crave them.
“Natural selection,” (I think it was Eugene who recently posted this) is what will happen when those affected persons refuse to medically insure themselves. I have seen a lot of people my own age with severe and sometimes necrotic vascular problems in their legs, mainly due to weight issues. I don’t have any answers here.