I agree, it seems like a good idea to hold some amount of gold in a form you can touch. Last time I checked (back in October) the big problem with coins was that due to the 1 oz coin shortage the coin dealers were all charging hefty premiums. This wasn’t an issue with kilobars, only with coins. You couldn’t even get Gold Eagles or Krugerrands, but Maple Leafs were still available. I’ve never owned a kilobar so I’m not too familiar with them. I don’t know how liquid they really are. That, and of course you need to have ~ $24k loose that you can drop in one shot. At the time I checked, the primary attraction of the kilobar is that the premium was 2%. Otherwise, if the premiums are the same which is ordinarily the case, coins are obviously the way to go.
BTW, as noted previously, Cellar Coin on Garnet is a great shop, as is SD Coin on Clairemont Mesa.