I agree it is really sad. When I was 10 years old my dad took me on a road trip. We went down to Guerrero Negro, cut across to Bahia De Los Angeles and came back up. In college we went down there regularly to party. My first marriage my wife and I and her son went down alot… same places, Guerrero Negro and Bahia… sometimes we would go beach side and sometime gulf side… Lots of fishing and hanging out… great times and the kids loved it. We would always bring a few nephews and such.
That was one wife and many years ago. Stopped going down altogether a few years back. A former coworker of mine who used to go regularly with a few buddies would go pretty far down and they would kite surf. They would always leave about 4 in the morning. Had a few trucks and all of their gear. About 2 years ago just past the border they were robbed at gunpoint. All the gear, the trucks, everything.
I am sure it is not as bad as the media makes it sounds but no way am I going there nor would I let my kids. Just not worth the risk.