I agree, finding just the right place may take some time, so it’s good you’re in no rush.
For example, I know that just about everyone in our large family plans to keep their homes in the family and pass them along to their kids, and we plan to do the same. Since we’ve enjoyed many wonderful years in our homes, we want our kids to have the same priviledge.
Relatively speaking, when you consider how little we all paid for our homes on large lots with great views, compared to what they are worth today, it just makes sense, and most of our friends are doing the same.
Since none of us know when we’re going to “croak,” I think many people in San Diego and other expensive cities may also be on board with this plan, and that may be one reason prime real estate is somewhat difficult, but not impossible, to find. It’s a kind of being at the right place at the right time sort of thing.