since its almost halloween,… cue spooky back ground music
In aviation accident investigations there is something called an “Error chain”
Basically an aircraft CRASH isn’t the result of one single event, the end result happens because of the culmination of “errors”
As it stands climate change and pension portfolio (mis)management, are the direct result of a culmination of human “errors”
My own reading of the tea leaves, indicates that a “crash” will most likely happen first w/ in the financial system specifically because various $hit for brains love of money (i.e. pension benefits) were allocated w/ out considering the big picture and underlying basic math.
Unfortunately politicians, public-employee union leadership and partisan supporters have a vested interest in keeping the existing system in place, much like the petrochemical and coal industry don’t want to acknowledge their own addiction to the economic status quo.
If we consider “The Drake equation” which is a way to estimate the number of ACTIVE ET civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy
and “The Fermi Paradox (filter)” which is a way of considering how an ET civilization might kill itself off
AND then ponder left to our own devices, the natural psychological tendency is we always want more (i.e. human greed) therefore I have to conclude aspects w/ in the economy (i.e. DEBT) is yet another weapon of destruction that has the ability to decimate a civilization.
Bottom line given existing trends and complexity of the system, its best we learn to carefully manage and control DEBT to prevent the BIG CRASH from happening. In other words the BIG CRASH is perhaps why “Stephen Hawking believes we have 100 years left on Earth – and he’s not the only one”