Huh? I'm certainly not the be all – end all, but what exactly is your concept other than the word "foreclosure?"
Would be tough, IMHO, to make a lot of money in this market unless you have some specific advantage or angle. If money is being lost in a foreclosure (and that's the reason it IS a foreclosure, no?) – there's likely not a big margin to be made. The losing homeowner might be willing to sell, but again you're going to gain much other than a house you can't sell either. So, the seller is a dead end. The banks – already losing money they're probably not in a big hurry to add to their loses by hiring extra folks to do any part of the processing – particularly if you don't already posess a JD or RE license or similar "must have" service.
Seems to me the smart money is going to stay away from this mess… maybe keep some capital available and buy up some places if the costs go down enough. Or, perhaps even buy some distressed places and let the former owners rent 'em – but that's hardly a risk-free opportunity.