…Lawmakers on Capitol Hill might be ignoring the growing anger at the widening gap between the rich and poor in America because, frankly, they can’t tell. The greater Washington DC area is officially the wealthiest metropolitan region in the country
With the Occupy Wall Street movement in its second month of demonstrations protesting the alliance between Washington and the financial sector, perhaps the wealthy are unaware of their growing concerns because everything seems fine and dandy along the banks of the Potomac. The average annual income in the DC area of 2010 was around $84,523, head-and-shoulders above the national median of $50,046….
Yes, hugo, agreed. HOWEVER, the “banks of the Potomac,” while “bucolic” and also tremendously conveniently located (read: Great Falls and surrounds where the writer is obviously referring to), isn’t the ONLY place to buy “inside the beltway.” There are other areas of Fairfax County and southern MD which are much less expensive to buy in and offer a nice, close-in lifestyle. I think that (just like in SD County, CA) you have to be willing to accept older construction, even 100+ year-old construction and do a bit of rehab, updating and repair. (The DC area is MUCH OLDER than SD County.) Those prospective buyers who just want *newer* construction will be forced outside the beltway (commuting on 2-4 lane moving parking lots) for the bulk of their working lives.
If you “keep it real” I believe you could find something, hugo.
And yes, I am familiar with select counties and their housing stocks around the DC area, as well.
In spite of heavy daily traffic for those who choose to commute, I feel this area is a truly beautiful area which has an enviable quality of life which cannot be duplicated anywhere in the country.