How would a refugee know somebody here that would vow to support them for 5 years when they themslves are being supported by the government? I think words like “most” are similar to looking the other way. I’m absolutely positive there are muslims in this country as refugees, getting tax money that are at the same time plotting to overthrow our government,possibly even sending some of that money back to the country they came from.
Years ago I was for open borders,competition at it’s best. Right now I just want the laws on the books inforced or removed from the books. I read today that Arizona is checking on prisoners to find out if they are US citizens. I’m shocked, shouldn’t every state have been doing this all along! Perhaps our mistake was letting the Employers off and not demanding jail time.
After finding out a prisoner is illegal shouldn’t that state get reimbursed by the Federal government because they let them in in the first place,it might just be enough money to shore up CA’s budget shortfall.