Reading before age 2 is not a sign of intelligence. It’s only a sign that your child has a prematurely inflated ego after he encouraged inferiority complexes in all of the kids at his playgroup.
Board Games Won’t Help
Board games like Monopoly won’t make your kids smart. In fact, these hours-long contests of will can only foster qualities of manipulation and greed, which will no doubt serve them well in the financial services industry.
Not All A’s
It is a commonly held misconception that all Harvard students earned straight A’s in high school. That’s not true. Some of us occasionally earned a B in some really important subject. Like gym.
The Right Donation
It is patently false that, in order to curry favor with a college, parents must include the school in their wills and fund the construction of at least one building to the campus before their children can get in. Depending on the school, it would probably only take a few desks, or an LCD projector. But for Harvard? Definitely a small science laboratory, at a minimum.
Getting the Recommendations
Don’t believe that students need to suck up to their high school teachers–and deliver hugs on a regular basis–in order to secure a good recommendation. Those glowing letters should emerge out of your child’s natural ability in class, or some other more tangible inducement–like a week at your oceanfront estate in Southampton. ”