how magnanimous of you. oh wait. the name calling started from post 1
I was only hoping it would go away, but it continued.. and it seems you like to continue it..!! I don’t call you self serving, arrogant, bull headed, idiotic or asinine.. or other terms I can think of. No where in any posts do I resort to that, nor do I do it here. It seems though, that you like to name-call.. (NOTE: you did not prove how it was self-serving either – assuming because you said so, it is so? the world operates according to ‘dunkle’s precepts??).
given your *opinion* of carbon offsets and your ignorance of the facts, your post seems pretty meaningless to me.
You have not proven ignorance of the facts, and simply by stating, assume it is proving.. wrong.
as if people can only be sincere if they are extremists. and yet, i bet you think islamic extremists are terrorist nutjobs and not “freedom fighters”.
Non sequitur. Does not follow line of reasoning.. try to prove by innuendo or false ‘example’?