How come none of the major Obama supporter on this board are able to communicate their point without cussing and name calling?
I’m not a major Obama supporter but given the choice between him and McCain I’ll choose Obama. Barr has good stands on most of the issues but I don’t think I could live with myself if McCain won because too many indepenents voted 3rd party. 2000 was bad enough.
As for why we curse and call names it is simply because we are frustrated and angry with these ridiculous divisive tactics and false arguments, like the one you posted. Sure, you will get a $200 larger tax cut under McCain, but at what expense? A good chance of losing your employer-provided health care, for one. If you don’t want to have cussing and name calling then use geniune arguments, not phony ones. And do a little thinking before you post. Yes, those families do receive a whopping 200 additional bucks in their tax cut but they are likely to be worse off. I’m sure most of the people that post this stuff realize this but they choose to omit it because it doesn’t help their argument.
Also I wasn’t calling YOU a dummy, but rather I was calling everyone who would be swayed by your SILLY, DISINGENUOUS argument a dummy. If you’re on this board, you’re probably like the rest of us and you pay off your credit cards in full every month, you have a good paying job, and you save a ton of money (yet we STILL can’t afford to buy the house we want — go figure). There are no dummies on this board, but there are people who are using and repeating arguments designed to influence dummies. And that makes some of us F***ING ANGRY.