Homes are all unique and have many attributes that could never be accounted for by a algorithim.
You probably *could* do this with an algorithm, but it would literally take hundreds or thousands of attributes about the house. You’d have to record so much information about the quality of the view, the type of counter top used, the amount of hardware floors and the type and quality of the wood.
Who would record all the information? Well, the sellers of course, or a large independant body sponsered by the government, so the information is bound to be wrong. It will be wrong because it’s subjective. One person’s 8/10 view is another’s 1/10 view. You can’t objectively record subjective information, especially where the collectors of the information are widely dispersed and biased.
I work in the software industry and have a lot of experience in a similar field, but relating to storing information and attributes for music, which again is mostly subjective. A music file has many many less attributes than a house, and it’s still an almost impossible task to try and categorize the music to a level where you can use that information for something useful.