While they are at it, they can go to AA meetings and pass out 2 for 1 coupons for alcohol,
Go to drug rehab houses and pass out free drugs, and go to Weight Watcher & Jenny Craig meetings and give out discount coupons for Fried Chicken, Ice Cream, Pizza and Pies and stand at the door of casinos handing out gift cards to cover their losses..
May as well give beer & wine to homeless people too, so they can drown their sorrows.
This $#!(*^&% government is DELUSIONAL about believing that they can fix this problem by spending money that doesn’t exist.
Give people whatever they want because it’s good for the economy ????
The answer is changing foreclosure law to 60 days instead of 6 months +. GET PEOPLE OUT that cannot afford whatever they agreed to.
The house wont get burnt down, and it wont sit empty very long if they grow up and are willing to sell it for “what it’s worth”..
Someone who can actually afford it will buy it, instead of saving a gambler who made a bad bet..
This is worse than any episode of the TWILIGHT ZONE, and is scarier than any horror movie I have ever seen…..HLS