Holy crap. I don’t get how White Supremacy Culture is centered around getting the ‘right’ answer and ‘showing your work’…
These people seem to forget that Asians also emphasize the same thing.. and your tiger mom makes sure of it! I didn’t know that Asians were white too!! As well as ‘dark skinned’ people from India, who are black… but not black.. because they work hard to be successful.
They are forgetting that our current numbering system is not really white – it is Arabic. If it was white, it would be something like XXI for 21. It gets worse real quickly. The circumference of the earth is about 24,901 miles, or “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMCMI”… humm.. time for some M&Ms…
So if a bridge collapses because the stress loading was incorrectly calculated because the emphasis was not on getting the correct answer nor on showing the work so that it could be double checked. Would the resulting collapse of the bridge be considered a racist event? What about crash of an airplane?