Yes we did see that … the person appears to be moving away as the house is for sale. House is also getting forclosed on. Should we still be concerned?
We did check on West of Aviara … and yes you are correct, one has to compromise on lot size, house orientation (West facing Backyard vs East facing), incoming incline/bank and many other factors. Lot size and Back/side yard is important for us … In Bay Collection, most of “under a Million” houses have no privacy …. With no backyard they appear to be looking into each other. Anything decent (Heron Circle) comes with a huge premium over a Million.
Top 3 streets in Mariner’s POints are better … again anything westerly facing is atleast a Million there. We checked a few in Saltaire and Seabright … liked the one on Turnstone on Cul-De-Sec but could not afford it for asking price of $925k.
IMHO 92009 has a very diverse real estate compared to 92011. 92009 is very big and there is a still a lot that can be built in there. From the investment angle it may never command the premium of 92011 (almost all built-up by now) … and then there is Beach and Freeway Proximity angle too. For anything between $800k and a Miilion, Aviara and nearby Black Rail hoods appear to be safest bet in entire Carlsbad.
Another thing I noticed about 92009 … in today’s market with current school system boundries, more I go Inland from El-Camino Real … more I see value in buying in San Elijo Hills (aka Baja Carlsbad).