[quote=Hobie]The most damning evidence in the Seal that laser painted the mortar position thus giving away his position and subsequently killed.
Was he bluffing the enemy to think they were being targeted to cease fire and retreat? Or was he in communication with an air asset coordinating a counterstrike?
Real time video from the air and the laser spot sure suggests the latter. Allen details??[/quote]Quote-reference for this please(NOTED: It was added later). There is also a problem. Laser designators are infra-red. Therefore, it is hard for them to give away the designators location. They are invisible to the human eye, as well as normal video cameras. They are also sending a digital data stream/id and cert info when they ‘paint the target’. This way if two designators are active, the weapon will know which is which. It also makes is harder to ‘fake’, and means you can’t use a simple laser pointer for a laser designator.
Looking at Update #4 on Hobies link There is a problem. You do not need to lase in the normal mode to get range/bearing from the sensors for indirect fire. The lase period is much less than one second – works like a laser rangefinder.