I think most people posting used to live in Clairemont. Things are changing.
I have rented a 2/1, and then recently bought a 3/2 in Clairemont. I spent several months looking for a 3/2 to rent before we bought. There are no 3 bed 2 baths for $2000/month. You can probably get a crap place for $2100-2200, but you will be competing with other people. My 2 bed 1 bath rented for $1800 when I left, and over 15 people applied within an hour of the advert going up on CL. People were pissed they did not get the place.
My feeling is you could rent any of houses posted by the OP for $2400. In five years who knows what you could get, San Diego rent just keeps going up, and the demand for single family (non HOA) is very high. Clairemont is such a great location, and so few single family homes are available to rent.
The problem is University city is so expensive now for single family that people are being pushed to Clairemont. You will be able to rent to UCSD/BioTech/Tech people. Those are also the people buying and looking in Clairemont now.
I love my neighborhood (Bay Ho).
There was a post on here a while ago that I used when first looking in Clairemont – search the forums. It described the better parts of Clairemont including some single garage places. Just stay away from the block and a half either side of Clairemont mesa blvd, but they are all duplexes anyway…