Hmm……I paraglide in La Jolla and one of the mega-mansions that has been going thru an extensive rehab right on the cliffs of La Jolla farms rd. was just completed.
They put in a volleyball court (with sand of course) and a FULL basketball court with NBA style plexiglass backboards. The place is just totally pimped out and every time I fly by it I’m always wondering who owns it.
It was recently completed and Yesterday the backyard was filled with what appeared to be college aged kids having a party. I mentioned to a couple of the other paragliding pilots that I’d heard Romney bought an oceanfront place in La Jolla.
Doesn’t Romney have some college aged kids? Anyways, if it turns out that this multi million dollar party palace IS in fact his…… just reaffirms my decision to NOT participate in this corrupt political system we have.
BTW………The mega mansion right next to this place is affectionately known as Mr. B’s in the paragliding community. Mr B. (aka Ron Burkle) is the billionare linked to Bill Clinton and his overinflated income. About 3 times a year Mr. B. stays at his little vacation hotel….er, I mean house. Wonder if Mitt will be borrowing any Grey Poupon?
I’ve flown along the cliffs over these places literally hundreds of times now, and they are so opulent and over the top they STILL take my breath away!