Hipmatt beat me to it, but my favorite quote is: “It’s very expensive to live in Orange County, and you pay a lot for your home and you can’t get what it’s worth now.”
Oh sure you can. In fact you can ONLY get what it’s worth now, not some stupid wishing price that will keep you in new corvettes every year. This reminds me of that Florida auction video last year when the woman proclaimed”they promised us they wouldn’t go below market value!”
Welcome to market value. And by the way, the ‘vette will get much better mileage that the suburban in ordinary driving at the same price point. This guy has his head so far up his own ass he can see what he ate for breakfast.
Still circling above, I will enjoy picking over the corpses of people like this.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me dude, it’s not fair!” (watch the video)