I started building a garden last father’s day and haven’t stopped since.We grew corn and pumpkins only.following that I had my first fall/winter garden ever. The learning curve kicked my butt. There were some good results with many cool season crops once I got the hang of things. The soil is becoming excellent and I have lots of compost/ fertilizer reserves.
We are just finishing harvesting cool season produce. The fennel bulbs are just now swelling.
At 2000 feet I am a ways behind you with the summer annual vegetatbles. It’s been a cold spring and an earwig infestation out there set me back too. Overall though, I am pleased.Some off the crops I am going to list will “underperform” due to inexperience with them.As you know, stuff happens. I am just working on the timing and cultural practices.
I am practicing with lettuce in the shade.
Stawberries, (Much easier than I thought)
Tomatos( variety)
corn,4 staggered stands so far
pumpkins,Including some that can get pretty big.
Watermelon (3 kinds)
Basil (harvest plenty and will keep planting)
Summer squash
Butternut squash(winter)
runner beans (just enough to practice/study with)
I very much want this delicious lettuce we have been getting to be available with ripe homegrown tomatos. We will see.
My other medium sized project has been starting blackberries. So far they are going gangbusters.
I think I am not much of an orchardist but there are some stone fruit trees and a few apples, that have been out there in the yard about 4 years now doing better than ever. Citrus planted at the same time is producing great oranges every winter through spring with the number of fruit increasing each year. Next year there should be a thousand oranges and grapefruits or more, some of which are something like gift quality.