hi rich, being a runner and having dealt with some serious pain, at pts chronic unless i stop running for some length of time, i have tried many many different modalities of therapy, massage, etc.
i find sports, deep tissue massage, even rolfing only help very temporarily. i’d suggest you try acupuncture as i get the best and longest lasting results. as well as work with a physical therapist that can train you in exercises to help even out imbalances in your body and strengthening areas to keep your body in symmetry. if you do have a leg length disparity, will cause many other parts of your body to be off. i’d suggest you go to acusport
there is some debate amongst doctors (according to several sports medicine drs i’ve been to) about differing leg lengths. some doctors believe the real anatomical issue is overstated and is more learned, meaning your hips may be rotated, you may have some scoliosis, muscular imbalance, etc all which can cause you to walk differently and appear as if one leg is mm’s off from the other and hence drs may suggest leg length disparity when it is no longer there once they adjust your hips, or massage a leg with much tighter muscles. if you have an anatomical measured difference, do you wear a lift?