You make me smile by the simple act of sharing that (another snippet of proof that by the results produced, my intentions are clear).
Now, on to your three questions:
Yes I am certain I chose my parents and yes, I am certain I chose to be a boy (obviously because that’s what happened), both results of my intentions. Results always produce absolute certainty — “I did that” or “I made this.”
Although, please be clear that by taking complete and total responsibility for that outcome, I am in no way downplaying my parents responsibility for what was produced as the end result. That my dear, would be “bad karma.” heh heh heh
It’s interesting to note that you asked me if I chose the first two (parents and gender) but then asked if I believed in the third (reincarnation).
I will answer it this way: Do I intend to cause my Self to be “reincarnated”? Yes. Absolutely. Yet only the results will reveal if I was successful in my intended outcome, which at this point in time (the now), it is impossible to assess.
However, in order to let everyone know precisely what my intentions are after my “death” I will make sure that the following declaration is inscribed on my headstone: