Hi partypup, yes peacemaker was my wild-west euphemism for a gun. Some call it a “piece maker” or a “go in peace (or pieces) to your maker”.
[quote=partypup]Yes, I’ve been reading a lot about this, too. Between the fear of an Obama win (gun control goes wild), the fear of an Obama loss (irrational fear of riots and unrest), and the economy melting down uncontrollably, it looks as though guns and ammo may soon provide the best return on investment ;-)[/quote]Seriously, I think a good stock investment may be in guns, security, defense, etc. as well as vaults, safes, and the like. In a logical market I would go long on co’s like Smith/Wesson but this market is totally irrational so I’m getting out completely. Plus, my investment guesses are often dead wrong.