Actually you do have a broker. The realtor who is representing you works for a broker. This is the broker I was referring to. Don’t confuse the financing process with the real estate process. So you are financing through the credit union. Understood.
Again, your realtor works for a broker. Concerns such as yours should go directly to the broker if you are indeed not happy or anxious about what is going on. Have your broker thoroughly review the contingency removal process and why your contingencies should remain in place due to what you have posted. Make sure any addendums are properly signed to extend the contingencies. Again, if something goes wrong with the transaction, the broker is liable so it will be in his best interest to make sure you are serviced correctly. Unless he is a poor broker. Also since you are under contract with him, it really would not be proper for any other realtor or broker to interact or review docs for you. I got my hands slapped here (rightfully so) for offering that up.
Anyways go to the broker first, or ask hubby to, then measure the situation. If you still are not comfortable then call an attorney.