I think you posted about this decision before, no??
I really encourage everyone to adopt. It’s crazy how many dogs are euthanized annually here in Cali.
Our two (big dogs) we found on an Aussie rescue website and they were within days from being Euthanized. My more Aussie Shepard was really a bit sciddish at first. He had probably been abused and would leak whenever you picked up anything that could possibly resemble something that he could be hit with. But I must say that with love this past pretty quickly. He is such a smart, loyal, and loving guy. I also think that each dog knows who got them out of ‘death’ row as we have found they have a special bond with us. Both our dogs needed a little training, but not any more than a new puppy would need.
Also, if you are worried about potential issues, you may want to look into a dog that is with a rescue, but is being fostered. The rescue usually can tell you the personality and traits.
I’m sure if you do a websearch on your breed of choice you can find a rescue…saves a life and saves $$$$ too….win win!