Hey, thanks for the inputs. Pretty much what I have decided myself, it is still a crap shoot, but really comes down to a personal decision point. What I fear is risking savings and getting caught in an under-water loan. Did it once, don’t want to do it again.
I don’t particularly mind postings like Spam-a-lot Bill’s “it’s time to buy now” sales pitch. Being an engineer, I appreciate Rich’s thoughtful and informative articles and postings and read them avidly. I am certainly not going to be swayed by Bill trying to tell me what to think. In fact, his posting kind of tells me it’s still not time to buy, going by my instincts that he is a liar (aka salesman) trying to get my money. It is actually somewhat amusing to me.
Unfortunately, for me, it is the relentless mis-informed postings from the conservatives trying to trash Obama and the Dems that have driven me away from Pigg website. After 8 years of Bush/Cheney lies, deceit, fiscal irresponsibility, ill-begotten wars, domestic spying, fear-mongering, etc, we are in a deep hole that will take years to climb out of. I am sure none of wants bailouts, but sometimes the medicine doesn’t taste very good. After thinking long and hard about what motivates their hatred of Obama, the only thing I can come up with is racism, plain and simple.