1. Eliminate Prop 13 protection for all second homes and investment properties (can be some exceptions WRT multi-family, rental units, like apartment buildings).
2. Eliminate the Prop 13 protection for commercial RE which allows a new buyer to pay the old taxes when they sell the property as a corporation.
**I strongly favor Prop 13 protection for primary residences and a single commercial property per person/entity controlled by a particular person. IOW, one residence and one commercial property per person gets Prop 13 protection, all the rest floats. BTW Prop 13 is NOT what causes bubbles, it is a response to them…also it is NOT the cause of our funding problems, illegal immigration is (and the businesses that we taxpayers — whose wages are driven down by illegal labor — subsidize because these employers won’t properly pay/care for their employees).
3. Eliminate all government-paid entitlements for illegal immigrants (education, healthcare, housing, food stamps, AFDC, legal and law enforcement costs, etc.). Make the employers pay instead. In cases where an illegal immigrant shows up in an emergency room with a life-threatening illness/trauma, bill the country from which he/she came — or their employer — for the services.
4. Create a one-time “new California resident” fee whenever someone moves here from another state or country…to help pay for the extra burden on our infrastructure (including water supplies).
5. Additional gas tax and .5% sales tax increase.
I’ll bet that if the above were done, we wouldn’t have a budget problem in California.