Here’s an alternative to (impacted) UC/CSU campuses for your college-bound engineering major, folks.
ASU is now offering a 38.5% WUE discount off out-of-state tuition on three campuses for 33 BS majors (predominantly engineering) and 3 BA majors. The BS majors offered there are all in very employable fields!
How much would I save with WUE?
Resident tuition: $9484
Nonresident tuition: $23136
WUE rate (Resident x 150%): $14226
WUE Savings: $8910
Important: The rates shown are taken from WICHE’s Annual Tuition and Fees Report for AY2013 – 14 and do not include fees. Actual tuition rates may vary. These rates assume 30 credit hours per year. We strongly encourage you to verify these rates with the admissions office where you want to enroll.
ASU is currently offering about 28 more majors (with a much larger WUE discount) than when I first heard about this program about four years ago!
I have a relative who is a retired HS teacher from the PHX area. She told me that most rural and semi-rural HS students in AZ do not have the qualifications to get admitted to university because they attended HS’s on Native American Indian reservations where the HS dropout rate is high. Although public outreach to convince tribal kids to graduate HS has been in place for several years, some of the tribal-member students and their families do not place a high priority on HS graduation.
Thus, the generous WUE offerings to out-of-state students by ASU, which was one of the first institutions to join the agreement.