I’ve been biking the Mission Beach Boardwark for ~25 years and I’ve seen that guy for as long as I can remember. Never really talked to him, just hi-fived him as he passed by (as lots of folks do). I looooved the documentary. My favorite line was him saying that “I’m just trying to get to the end of my life without becoming an asshole again.” So finally after seeing it I stopped and talked with him for awhile. Super interesting dude. However, the conversation turned weird for me when he started talking about the Middle East and he had a rap about how some religions are inherently better and more righteous than others, and it was our duty to go get them before they got us. Take them all out! Bummed me out that Slomo was a warmonger. But you have to take the good with the bad, He seems like a complex guy, and interesting as hell. I did love what he had to say in the documentary.