Here are the figures. Alot of the same thing, the inflecction upward seems to be continuing. I included the third figure showing just the trends for short sales. The precent increase is still following the general trend upward, and the overall numbers are still showing signs of increasing above the overall trend line (meaning we are getting to a point that it might be better to fit a non-linear trend line if this keeps up for a few more weeks!)
[img_assist|nid=3946|title= Short Sales and Total Listings|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=304]
[img_assist|nid=3947|title= Percent Change and Percent short of Total|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=304]
[img_assist|nid=3948|title= Trends in Short Sales|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=297]