“Hence the age-old rule of thumb not to buy unless you plan to be there 5-7 years. ”
Some posters have made a good point that this should be thrown out the window and not just because of our current situation.
Radelow. What you did sounds like a lot of fun.
I was looking for bar stools on craig’s list and put an offer on some nice ones. The person raised the price because I bid too fast. Turns out to be realtor. I told her that since I actually meant to bid less than I really did and that we should compromise and do the deal at my original bid. She left them there at the higher price and never sold them. Eventually she dropped the price to just $25 over what I offered. I bet she never sold them.There was a busted fsbo sign laying in the driveway in the photo of the chairs.My guess is that she didn’t even want to pay a cooperating broker to sell her house and couldn’t sell it either. Ironic isn’t it :).