Hello All,
And thanks for the responses, and the support about losing money.
I did not negotiate price, because the damages were so much it would take 50K+ to get things up to standard.
Yes, it was my fault, I did not check things, like flush the toilet, etc. In the future, I will. I did check the electrical panel and was concerned, but the realtor said “don’t worry about that, it all comes out in the inspection.”
I also did not release the report because I was not going to negotiate price as noted above, (the property was a dilapidated dump) and felt that I paid for the report, so why give it away for free? (On a side note, is it commonplace for the realtor to tell the inspector to email her the inspection report? I stopped this, because I felt that I was purchasing the report and would make the determination of what to do with it)
The inspector was fabulous. Thorough, and the report had pictures and was coded in colors. He even took a video of the water heater noise and had a special infrared device to look at walls.
The realtor is a problem. She is the second one. (Some of you have great memories!) After I cancelled the first one, I decided to go to listing agents, and the first one I went to convinced me to take her. While I am a pleasant woman, I am not an easy sale. I work 2 jobs and have worked hard to save a big down payment so I can do this.
I find that with the realtor she is ALWAYS trying to coerce me to go up in price, no matter what. She has a sales pitch, and uses the sense of urgency—-there are always other offers supposedly coming in. She is a runaway train and starts working with the other agent to come to a price verbally.
I won’t tell her my limit, because then she will work up to that. She keeps pressuring me to give her my top dollar. I won’t do it. It’s not necessary.
She has shown me numerous properties, and I would like for her to have the sale, it is only fair. I’m just getting very tired of fending her off.
And thank you SDsurfer, I would hate to submit another realtor to me:)