Heh, heh…and I thought I was the odd woman out! I have a prepaid Tracfone, which my friend has labeled as “vintage.” It makes calls and can text message. No fancy apps, or other bells and whistles.
I use it for emergencies (very rare), and like others mentioned, calling home when at the grocery store, and while on travel. The problem with not using it much, is I forget to charge it, and then when I need it—I can’t use it! When it does ring, I can’t find it in my purse, or inadvertently hang up on the caller.
I did buy a new Tracfone, and then returned it. The new phones are crappy, so I decided to stick with the “vintage” one that still works fine.
Ever notice how airports are filled with people either doing things on phones, or talking on phones? What is so important I wonder? How can you do business while in an airport which is so chaotic?
Some months ago, I attended a Grand Opening Party at a hair salon. There was a DJ and the crowd was mostly hip 20 somethings. Most of them were on their phones texting and what not. I wondered why they went to a party, where there were others to meet, and spent the time on the phone?
I can tell you that cell phones and domestic violence have a direct correlation. They throw them, find each other’s text messages, break them, grab them from each other, demand to know who is calling, check each other’s phone bills, even use some cell phone tracking device to see where the spouse is. The guys get naked photos from other females and/or porn sites, the girls have text messaging relationships. When they argue, and one spouse won’t respond, the other spouse texts them in the SAME house! Even the same room! The girls text message next door neighbors and have ongoing dramas.