Heaven forbid that folks actually go to the symphony or the opera (or that our parents made us play the piano) because it’s insufferably “elite”.
I’m pretty torn between SD and SF. Let’s see:
Better museums: SF (but how often do I go?)
Better road biking: SF (up to Skyline down to the coast and Santa Cruz, not really matched by SD at all)
Better mountain biking: SF (lot more terrain)
Better skiing: Tahoe versus Mountain High??
Better culture: Yep, it’s true
Rockclimbing: Shade towards SF with local rock and Yosemite
Whitewater: Norcal definitely over SoCal.
More exciting companies: Have lots of friends at google and apple. Interesting work. More interesting biotechs up in SF.
Better job market: Biotech is hurting in SD. I think I’ll color this one for the Bay Area.
More affordable: SD hands down
And frankly, after having experienced racism in North Carolina and Texas, I’d rather be in a more liberal city.
Colored me prejudice but I’m certainly happy not living in a state or city that promotes the creationism museum.