Health insurance needs to be REGULATED, rather than entire “reform.” What is the point of creating a new program? Fix what we have.
The “public option” will increase revenues for private parties, and we will pay for it. Here is my take on how it will play out:
Government will outsource the “public option” to private company of its choice. Usually, the lowest bidder or a “known” party, such as Halliburton/KBR.
If it is a “fee for service” contract, then the company will employ as little laborers/medical professionals as possible, because the company owners are in it for profit. Thus, if the job calls for 10 M.D.s, only 6 will actually be employed. Of those 6, 5 will be interns, new to the field, and/or stormy and unstable job history. Why? Because the company wants profit, so people of these backgrounds will take a low salary.
The management positions will be government, and those chosen will have little knowledge about medical care and few qualifications, other than to respond to the higher ranking government employees trying to build their empire.
Medical treatment decisions will be decided by a “committee” of people that know little about health care. If any of you are government employees, I correlate this to NSPS “pay pool” and their mission will be to deny care.
As far as the folks getting booted from insurance due to disability, pre-existing conditions, they will take the “public option” for care. Thus, “Halliburton/KBR” will demand more money from the government/taxpayers to pay for long term and or chronic illnesses. However, that will be small potatoes compared with amount of disenfranchised people receiving benefits. That is going to cost us big.
This is just another entitlement program, disguised as “helping everyone”. This is creation of another monster that will spiral out of control. Politicians will herald its success.