[quote=harvey]Wow. Not a hint of compassion in your posts.
There are lot of Macks out there, on the golf courses, in the RV parks and marinas — yes they’re out there. They can be easy to miss — their youth masks their retiree status — but they’re out there. Victims, all of them.
What about Mack? Who will rescue Mack from Wall Street?[/quote]
Bullshit. Very few can retire at 50 with full benefits because they’d have to start at 20 to do so.
And talk about a lack of compassion. You think nothing at all about taking away someone’s compensation that was already earned over many years. If you think that’s a good idea, great; you can step up to the plate and reduce your own pay and donate that to a public agency of your choice…you know, to help out the poor taxpayers and all. That’s what you’re asking these public employees to do, so you should be happy to serve as a role model, right? IIRC, you didn’t favor clawing back compensation of the people who caused the mess in the first place — the Wall Street scum who’ve made *far more* than any cop, firefighter, or teacher in the U.S.