Thus far you have completely failed to answer the question:
What are examples of things that ordinary folk were buying in 1973 that they cannot afford today?[/quote]
Remember that the purpose of internet forums is never to debate or convince anyone of their way of thinking. No one here is going to change what they believe in so it’s really all a waste of time.
That said, I had to answer and say college costs in the 70s were more affordable than now. Back then, you could make a decent living even without a college degree. Good luck with that now for most folks. Ordinary folks could go to college if they wanted to and it was cheap.
Another item is healthcare. Back in the 70s, most people had much cheaper healthcare. I recently paid well over 12k for healthcare for me and my family of 4 and we are all insanely healthy (no smoke/drink/overweight) before Obamacare…
There are plenty of things I feel, but at the end of the day, people tend to look at things only from their view of the world/life/experience. This is why if you read any forum or talk to people, no one seems to “get it” since they only see the world from 1 angle.
I have no good solutions, but in the end, after I’m long gone, if things are bad enough, I think we’ll just end up with some revolution (more likely to happen in various parts of Europe with massively high youth unemployment first than here)…but a few super wealthy people see it and are concerned, but at the end of the day, if people are worst off and pissed off enough, it’ll just lead to more crime and people simply taking what they don’t have. It does no one any good in that type of world.
In America, it’s also easy to get guns so probably in 50 years, it maybe a bad/worst world here, but I’d be long dead so not my problem I guess.