[quote=harvey]Tell us ucodegen, why are you so tolerant of Trump’s lies about his direct collusion with agents of one of our most dangerous adversaries?
He’s a goddamn disgrace to our country, but you you still stand by him, unwavering, all the while chanting….
Wow – name calling through innuendo, assuming facts not in evidence, red herring. – trying to change a subject.
If you have been paying attention (probably not), you would have seen me state multiple times that this was an election between multiple undesirables. Trump was included on that list.
Looks like you are channeling the Sith – absolutist, either;
hating Trump, loving Hillary or
hating Hillary, loving Trump.
Sorry neither. That said, it has not been shown that Trump has colluded with Russia. However I do think that Russia was in Hillary’s Email server – for a long time, probably set up automated forwarding of all Emails sent and received, going through several proxies. I don’t think they did this for the Election, I think it was in place for some time. However I don’t think they were the ones that released them – how could Russia profit from that? But it is something that could be subject to blackmail, releasing them and it can no longer be used for blackmail.
Comey made a very interesting remark with respect to Russia’s involvement in trying to influence the election. He said they were surprisingly overt. I suspect the real truth is that Russia knows all that was in Hillary’s Email server – including the stuff that was professionally erased. They expected her to win and then blackmail her. That is how Russia works – not by making friends. Friends are unpredictable, people under blackmail are easier to control. This is why I think Russia was so overt in trying to ‘court’ Trump. Remember McCarthyism and peoples response to any taint of Communism and Russia? Put out some innuendo that someone is working with Communism and everyone avoids them.
Normally Russia is not overt in their ‘black arts’ – they want to get in without anyone seeing, and they don’t want those that they have ‘under control’ able to refuse requests. When getting into computers, they break in carefully making sure that they don’t raise flags or break things – either plant a RAT or get what they want and then leave locking the doors on the way out.
China is very overt. They will crash something to get in, they don’t care if it gets traced back to them because in their eyes – the US does not have the ‘balls’ to do anything. The only thing I have seen that is not overt is China compromising ethernet chips that go onto PCs (latent compromise).