[quote=harvey][quote=SK in CV]No SDR, I wasn’t the least bit confused about anything in this thread. You were the one that said employees aren’t entitled to their pay. You were the first to bring up the issue of pay relating to taking care of a family. You are now the one that is arguing that the terms of a contract should not be set by the needs of an employee, when neither I nor anyone else in this thread ever claimed it was an issue.[/quote]
The OP article was interesting and raises some curious questions.
SDR comments that there is no obligation for an employer to pay anything more than the legal, agreed upon rate.
SK attempts to make a snappy comeback:
“Are you entitled to your commission?”
Weak sauce: attempting to equate paying a low, but mutually agreed-upon wage with simply not honoring a contract. Distinctly different things.
SDR calls him on it, SK starts backpedaling. It’s not working for SK.
The honorable thing to do would be to say “I choose a poor analogy, but let me rephrase my argument…” Perhaps SK does have a worthwhile point. Instead he gets pissy, personal, and even dishonest.
There’s no post here that says “employees aren’t entitled to their pay.” SDR never said anything even hinting that employers do not have to honor their contract.
This is why Piggington just is not a worthwhile place to hang out anymore.
SK is a smart and knowledgeable guy, but this is not the first thread where he was an outright dishonest with regard to what others have said. It’s not worthwhile to engage him in debate.
Funny thing, it’s all right there in front of everyone on the screen. Is he really so blind and incompetent? Maybe he should run a slaughterhouse.[/quote]
Harvey, I suggest you back and review the thread and find where anyone mentioned an “obligation for an employer to pay anything more than the legal, agreed upon rate.” It didn’t happen previously to my comment, and it certainly didn’t happen anywhere in the comment I responded to.
What I responded to was:
Employees are not entitled to anything. They don’t like the pay, they can quit and look for another job.
If he had suggested that employees aren’t entitled to anything more than their agreed upon pay, I wouldn’t have responded. Maybe you can read minds and knew what he meant. I can’t. Which is why I questioned it.
Nobody suggested that employees are entitled to be paid more. I haven’t backpedaled at all, nor been dishonest. The words are right there. SDR has backpedaled, by clarifying that he does think employees should be paid exactly what they’re entitled to.