It would take no more than two non-cop adults to clear a house full of partying teenagers. And it can be done without your kid and/or their friends ending up with a criminal record, or worse.[/quote]
Not from what I have seen. Depends upon the age, and size. You are throwing 2 adults against over 100 teens. Are some of them members of the HS Football Team? Are you a parent? Are your children teenagers – particularly late teen? If you are, you would know how difficult it can be for just one parent to deal with one teen, let alone 100 operating with ‘group-think’ and diffusion of responsibility.
Remember that these ‘kids’ committed forceable entry – technically B&E, misdemeanor to felony vandalism, theft, and underage drinking.
If the individuals were under 18 at time of offense, their record gets sealed at 18. With some of them, meeting police may wake them up.