[quote=harvey][quote=creechrr]Dude, you just agreed with me.[/quote]
He’s conflicted because he so badly wants it to be about race when it’s really about more.
LOL, even dragging Native Americans into it – that’s a novel twist!
But SK’s core point – if you ignore all the tortured asides about race – is spot on:
Cops need to accept a level of risk. It’s the definition of their job. They should not have the option of harming or endangering the public simply to protect themselves.
Cops who choose to harm others in order to protect themselves are criminals, plain and simple. And society should treat them as criminals.
In return for accepting these risks, cops should receive extraordinary respect. They should be heroes, and treated as heroes. But too many choose to be cowards and – what’s worse – almost all cops accept and even defend the cowards among their ranks.[/quote]
No, it IS about race. And I’m not conflicted at all.
Cops kill too many people unnecessarily.
They kill blacks and Native Americans at almost 3 times the rate as whites.
Blacks are twice as likely to get arrested as whites.
Blacks are twice as likely to be unarmed when killed by police.
Blacks are three times as likely to experience force during encounters with police.
Blacks are four times as likely to be arrested for pot possession as whites.
So it isn’t that blacks are just the first to make a stink about it.